Welcome to
Bethel Lutheran Church
Church Schedule
Join us for worship services every Sunday at 11:00 am.

Bible Study
Sunday School
Sunday Service

Our mission at Bethel Lutheran Church is to be compassionate, inclusive and to walk with Jesus. Through gospel, service, worship and missions, we bring God closer to our hearts and closer to the hearts of those around us. As a fellowship of believers, we have the honor of proclaiming the glory of Christ to one another in a loving and caring setting.
About Us
Bethel and Bethlehem Lutheran Parish is located in New Town, ND and is member of the ELCA.
Bethel and Bethlehem Lutheran Church Parish of New Town, ND is a member of the Western North Dakota Synod of the ELCA. Bethel is located across from the New Town Middle School in town and is on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. Bethlehem is located off of 44th Street on Rt. 8. Bethlehem Lutheran is a rural congregation with members who are largely farmers and ranchers.
“This church is the pillar and stable foundation of truth, because in it soundeth the voice of the Son of God”
John Philpot

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights

Stick with Me

The Standoff

A Long Wait